Thursday, December 20, 2007

Well Done, Hall 13 Carrom!

Wooohooo!!! Silver for team 'Hall 13' carrom!
I must really say that our carrom team did our best at the carrom games held over these 3 days(17-19 Dec)
Though there were ups and downs, but we managed to hold through and played a close game with the mighty hall 3..

The 1st day was a great start!
We won almost every game and beat every other hall we met who underestimated us..
We started the day with the mentality that just try and win.. We ended the day with hopes of entering semis and even finals..

2nd day was the crucial games.. everyone swopped their players after gathering info about our hall.. Almost every game was a difficult game..
It was the 1st time all of us came out of every game feeling all sweaty and stressed..
We almost couldn't get into the semis because of a super close game with hall 14..
But luckily, we managed to hold them to a draw for the double games and win 3-2..
Close to the maxiest max.. hahax..
At the end of the day, everybody was just so relieved that we scraped through to the semis and just wanted to go back and rest for the big day..

Great semis with the hall niners..
Some interesting actions were seen in the games..
Probably they were too anxious to get into the finals..
Too much stress, too much focus on the medal & too little focus on the game at hand..

My men's singles was uber interesting..
How many times do you actually get to see people banging their head on the carrom board just because they couldn't get the desired seed into the hole?
How many times do you get to see someone super-ultra-uber stressed because he lost the 1st game and wanted so much to win the 2nd?
How many times do you get to see a MAN almost bursting into tears because he thought he was going to lose when there was still chance?
Ok la.. I'm not boasting.. seriously.. but it was funny.. and I didn't dare console him lest he blast me since I was winning..

Anyway, in the end, we ended up in the finals with hall 3..
I was up against the same guy and we both wanted to have a fun game..
We were both tie at 1-1.. and I was winning the final match..
And this was a great time for me to make a damn dumb mistake of giving him the 2 final seater seeds..
And at the end of the whole competition, I realised my game was the decisive game.. If I were to win.. my team would be holding the GOLD now...
I'M SORRY TEAM! So Sad-ed manz...

But nonetheless, I must say that this whole carrom team bonded super well since the 3 training days and these 3 days of competition..
All the crapz.. all the morale-boosting crapz.. all the morning breakfast.. the lame doubles that we all played together..
I'm so gonna miss those trainings and crapz sessions..

Well... finally, after 3 days of intensive carrom.. *not to mention the huge amount of time waiting*
We went for a feast at fish & Co.
But Wu Jie and Geraldine were not able to join us! so sad...
NVM! We ate on their behalf! HAHA!

Ultimately, the silver or gold is not the thing that really matter..
It's the friendship and fun that we all shared during these short few days..
I must really say that I enjoyed my time with them..
If given another chance.. I would want to play alongside them again! And this time.. WE WILL BEAT THE HELL OUT OF HALL 3!! RIGHT GUYS?! hahaha.. =D
I don't think it's that difficult la.. anyway our dear president Zequan should be considering us for hall next yr? hahahx..

Totally shagged now from all the carrom...
Can't wait for the next time when I will see them again for carrom..
Train for next year soon? hahahahax..


Monday, December 17, 2007


So damn happy!!!
Today was a great start for our inter-hall carrom..
Now I'm just looking forward to another great day tommorrow.. But...
The problem is first up is against the mighty hall 3!!! hahax.. but no worries la.. With the high morale that my whole carrom team has.. I'm sure we will do just fine tommorrow!

Anyway.. staying alone at night in hall is a damn sianz thing.. and my stupid senior and sarah don't want to fulfill my request by coming back to hall and play mahjong with me tonite..
I'm SAD!!! hahahax...

OK! Got to run and bathe and then sleep!
*Today's a damnnnnn shag day*


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Who haven't watched the movie "The Secret" by Jay Chou? You guys should go and catch it manz... Feeling bored from all the studying so I decided to watch that show since I have it on my lappy... One of the movie that almost made me cry...

Lots of emotion ran through me as I watched the movie.. How both of them met, how they fell in love and the way they professed their love for each other, the sweet moments of just indulging themselves in each others' lives.. and finally how something unexpected caused a misunderstanding and the unexpected twist at the end.. Why didn't 小雨 let 湘倫 explain himself?? That kiss was meant to be with her! Because of this, it changed the whole lovey dovey plot with an unexpected twist.. Not being able to be with the one you love is already the saddest thing in the world liao.. what more to found out at the end that she is actually someone from 20yrs ago and that she's already dead because of the grief she went through just pining for 湘倫, resulting in the relapse of her asthma.

The immense pain that 湘倫 has to go through knowing that she misunderstood him but he has no chance to really tell her how much he loved her and care for her.. Probably this is also why at the very end, he decided to risk his life, to climb through all the debris while the old school building is in the midst of being torn down, to get to the old piano and play the tune to send him back 20yrs ago, so that he has the chance to undo all the misunderstanding and give 小雨 happiness..
After all I have said, I guess it all points down to one point.. Love is the greatest gift in the world.. Sacrificial love calls for more than just knowing that you love that someone, but something that you have never done before in your life, even if it means sacrificing your life. Although 小雨 don't know who 湘倫 was when he went back to find her, but I guess she would have felt that she's the most blessed woman in the whole world if she were to know that she had someone who truly loved her.

This show really invoked a lot of emotions within me. I can totally sense all the pain and tears that 小雨and 湘倫 went through as i watched the movie. Almost couldn't hold back my tears.. Great show.. Finally, just a small note from 小雨 to 湘倫 before she decided to go back to her time and forget him..


Movie's 主题曲...

Movie's 插曲...

OK! I shall go sleep now.. *yawnz*


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Cold cold night..

These words are from ah Du's new song 差一点.
Thought it's really meaningful and sometimes do depict how i feel as well...
Is love really so painful?
Many people will say love is bliss, it is beautiful
Has anyone thought about those who have fallen out of love before?
The pain is unbearable. Nothing beats experiencing the pain yourself

After so many years, sometimes the thought of what happened still brings back bad memories
Lost my faith in love after all that happened.
Probably that also explains why i haven't got myself a gf after so long? hahahahx..
Well.. don't dare to get into another relationship after 3 failed ones..
Y force yourself into one, sink deep into it.. then at the end of it regret making that decision? Y not just be myself, stay happy with lots of good friends?
Maybe its easy to say, but difficult to do.. Humans long to have someone they can love and be loved, don't they?
Let's just put it this way: Love is elusive... Catch love if you can..

Totally senseless to blog these kind of stuff at this time of the day.. peeee hourss... oops... weee hours i mean... hahahx..

going to slp le..

Hua Zai