Friday, August 29, 2008


It has been a long time since I blogged..
Really lots of stuff that I blogged about.. but these few days..
Haiz.. just no mood to do anything..

Really lost in the matters of the heart..
I once had her..
Now.. She's so far away I don't even know what is happening in her life..
She's avoiding me.. I'm quite sure of it.. don't know why she has to do that..
I have never forced her to do anything she didn't like or want..
I always wanted her to be happy..
I don't know why she has changed to become afraid of me..
To try her best to keep clear of my way..
I think she just don't want to even keep me as a friend anymore..
Well.. somethings.. just not meant to be.. Loving is letting go isn't it?
Hope she will really be happy.. that's all I can wish for..

走在人擠人的走道 我問了自己
那些電影常常讓人感覺甜蜜 但是我 不相信

坐在沒有人的角落 我又問自己
沒有人能了解我現在的心情 想看你 想躲你 難以決定

每當我想靠近 你總會裝冷靜
眼看你的表情 彷彿己經說明
我只想要證明 我們這段愛情
也許在你眼裡 它只是個遊戲

我只想要靠近 也很想要抱緊
回想到那過去 和現在新的你
我還想要參與 你的生活點滴
只要你肯相信 我一定會陪你走下去


只要你再相信 我們會緊緊地 靠在一起

Another person that I'm sad about is my meimei..
She's another changed person..
Don't know what's she's busy with.. She's just not the same meimei I knew..
No longer the cheerful and bubbly meimei.. At least not in front of me..
All she does in front of me now is pout.. show sian-face..
But whenever people like Hongyi is around.. or her handphone sounds, probably messages from Derick, she will go all cheerful again..
Msn.. talk to her like talking to tree..
But whenever i notice her talk to others online.. It's so different..
Well.. I dote on my meimei and I too just hope that she will be happy..
Even at the expense of my happiness...

Somehow.. this 2 people just make me sad.. But I still hopes for them to be happy..
I may soon lose these 2 person in my life..
Maybe it will become Hi-Byes..

-Hua Zai-